Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I exercised again this morning for the first time since the beginning of my third trimester. Its amazing how much thinner I feel just because I exercise. It's like I see myself differently in the mirror. (Maybe it's because I wear black?)

We (my exercise buddie, Cynthia, and I) went up the canyon and speed walked a trail and back up the mountain. The last half was all up hill. I'll be feeling it.

Cynthia and her daughter made a goal to run a half marathon next September. She challenged me to do it with them and I accepted. Although I would like to run a half sooner.....we'll see.

Presently, I'm feeling really motivated to get a grip on nutrition and exercise.......yesterday I swore off refined sugar again (after feeling guilty about the cookies for breakfast....). Except for special occasions. I need to define "special occasions" though. Not family get togethers- there are too many of those. Maybe I could bake one Sunday a month whatever I like and than "unrefined" treats the other Sundays? I hesitate to give myself any leeway considering Sunday I ate about 10 of the cookies I made (truly, the food snob in me thought they were divine. Browned butter and molasses chocolate chip cookies? Who could go wrong with the browned butter? Heaven!) And than 4 for breakfast yesterday ironically with my green smoothie....*sigh* its a problem I really struggle with. It really is an addiction. They say you must completely remove the addiction. If it were alcohol or drugs I would completely remove it right? What's the difference? And yet, I still feel I should have liberty to "cheat" every so often. The fact is that it's NOT drugs or alcohol.......justification.........but it will still do bad things toy body! *sigh* a true struggle.

And here I go out on a limb-Exposing myself to the world.......this is me. I tried to make the photos as ugly as possible so when I drop a few pounds I can make them as beautiful as possible ;). I have to admit I was hoping the black would help me out a little. Nope. This is me. In all my postpartum but almost-back-to-normal state. Ugh.
I have to post this other photo so ya'll know I'm not always frumpy old woman.......

Oh- and a few updates: 
  • Baby GIRL was born emergency c-section at 9.5 pounds (or did I already say that in a previous post?) Guess the sugar did nothing to contribute to the baby's weight and 
  • MY eczema literally DISAPPEARED after I had been rolled into my recovery room following the c-section. Must have been a pregnancy thing
  • Green smoothies going GREAT!!!!!
  • And have I showed you this?:
All natural whole wheat sourdough bread!  And it is sooooo yummy!  I have to be careful! I'm not a bread person but I could eat a whole loaf of this stuff!

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