Monday, May 20, 2013

Week Three

It's been a good week. The kefir is going well and I've been a major missionary for this lifestyle!  (I just wish I could convert immediate family members.  Sometimes I feel all alone in this.......). I've made waffles with kefir twice and nobody seemed to notice (but they're still dousing everything in syrup and sugar........I like mine with fresh strawberries and greek yogurt. YUMMO!) and I've also started making the green smoothies with kefir. Nobody really has noticed that either (although at this point Blue-Eyes, Sweet Pea, and I are the only ones that drink it).

I started a sourdough starter with whole wheat and kefir.  I made my first sourdough bread yesterday.  It was a busy weekend and time was not allowing for me to get the bread done when it was suppose to be done so it sat about 12 hours longer than needed.  When they say it gets more sour the longer it sits they were not kidding!  The taste was DIVINE if you like "sourdough!"  It was super heavy though so I'm hoping to look at different recipes to see if we can find something with an ingredient that will make it a little fluffier.  In my whole wheat bread recipe it's lemon juice that makes it fluffy (at least that's what someone told me- that the lemon juice reaction with the gluten does it).  I wonder if lemon juice would ruin the rise of the bread in sourdough?  I'll experiment and research and see what I find.

I discovered I do not like millet.........yuck.  Hate the hard texture.  The idea behind the breakfast recipe was great.  Flavor was great.  Millet.....not so much.

So when they say you can do this for a family of four for about $100 a week........I'm not sure how they do it. I haven't sat down and added everything up yet but in my head, knowing generally what I'm's not $100 a week.  And the gas to go to different places..............Grrrr..........There are some things I just can't get at Walmart or Costco and I have to drive "into town" to Good Earth to get these things.  It's frustrating to me that I have to go to three different places.  Two I can handle (Costco seems to be a social outing with my mother and sister and I).  I don't know how I'm going to do it after this week when school gets out and I have all five children at home!  Aiutami!!!!

I'm also finding that although I buy all the ingredients we're not doing all the meals.  Especially lunch. Dinner mostly, yes.  Sometimes I see that something we had earlier is suppose to be served later in the week- something that didn't go over well with anyone but me-and so I do something else.  I stay within a whole foods diet- so thats good I suppose. Or I just don't have time to make that veggie sandwich so I pull out the whole grain tortilla chips and hummus real quick.  Sometimes I'll swap what I was suppose to have for lunch and breakfast.  It's taking a bit of tweaking.  Not everyone is sitting down at EACH of the meals.  Kids are at school or scouts or lessons or YW or whatever..............My husband and I are going out for a weekly date.......ya know.  Every day normal life.  This week I wrote down all the menu items I didn't make (which I bought ingredients for) and plan on making them this week- so I'll be off a little by a few days from now on but I think it will help me with some flexibility issues.

This week I also cleaned out the pantry.  Now..........I like to bake and make sweets. Not gonna lie here.  I'm keeping all those things.  I did throw away a ton though.  And everything like that is now being moved down to the cold storage since I won't be making those things nearly AS OFTEN! My pantry seems empty but it is organized and ......emptier.  I guess that's good.  And full of many healthy options. Quality right?

I made my "baked good/treat" yesterday - as is suppose to be the tradition and compromise..............I had one and ugh.  Felt awful the rest of the night.  Good thing.  My sugar cravings seem to be returning a little........I have had sugar.  Just not as often as in the past. And they seem REALLY sweet now.

Although I said I wasn't worried about weight- it would be nice to lose some so I have been aware.  I THOUGHT I had lost a little because people have said things and some of my pants are fitting differently but when I stepped on the scale this week it didn't move.  Maybe I'm losing fat and gaining muscle?  I don't know why I would because I haven't done much in weight resistance or strength training. I'm still running and hope to start back up on yoga again. I was going to do a before picture and post it but I have not reached the point I'm comfortable with that.  I should take the picture and save it for future I suppose. So when I do have a difference I can feel comfortable posting before and after.

So there's a summary of this week.  Hope I didn't forget anything. I guess if I did I will be back!

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