So, I'm not going to say I have fallen off the band wagon but maybe not the blogging thing so much.
Still trying to eat whole food diet. Since my husband is not on the same page yet, my family is not really there either. Although, they are becoming more and more aware of what is a better choice.
I still struggle with the sugar thing but all in all I eat whole foods. I'm not crazy fanatic. I find the best choice at neighborhood parties (or bring something I would prefer to eat), going out to eat, being with family, etc. I still have green smoothies although sometimes life gets so crazy I don't get a chance to make one and then I end up not eating breakfast (or lunch for that matter) at all. That's bad. I know.
I gave up the planner and decided to try and make do with the foods already in my collection of recipes. I've altered a few things. But I think it actually has saved me a little money. I go through the book once in a while hoping to try one of the new recipes (EVERYTHING was so new the family really struggled).
I haven't run in almost four weeks. It's depressing. I need a motivated and motivating partner............ugh. However, I AM active during the day running after children and, now, canning and bottling.
I wanted to find a balance and moderation. I think I am close. I'm probably a little too far on the SAD (standard american diet) end but only barely and will still search for ways to tip it the other direction. Eventually, as I introduce new things I think it will happen.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Week Four
I'll say it. I cooked ONE time this week. ONE! We were sooooo busy I'm not even sure what we did for meals! I'll I know is it meant that this week I don't have to shop as much. I'm still trying to use the meals from week three. We'll get caught up. Eventually. We're just going to have to start again with week 4!
Today it rained and rained. I wanted something warm. Warm bread and soup. Something familiar. So I again went a little off track. I made whole wheat parmesan rolls and Black Bean Soup. It was divine. The only off-thing with the soup was the beef broth I used. Otherwise it was right on par. The rolls- well, commercial yeast (still working on the sourdough thing- got a book tonight I've started reading through), and dipped in mayonnaise and butter. Topped with parmesan. They were divine. And bad/cheating. Then there were the cinammon rolls I made with the leftover dough. I used coconut sugar................ they were yummy. And yes, I felt guilty.
So I made good choices this week. And I made bad (like the fresh cut french fries for lunch). But I still feel like we're/I'm making good progress. It always has been two steps forward, one step back for me in this area. So. It's OK. I think. Hubbie is still eating salads everyday for lunch and the two girls are still drinking green smoothies with me. Even one of the boys (#1) is requesting green smoothies (although he's not drinking them!)! Breakfast and lunch aren't too bad but sometimes, depending on the night and what's going on, dinner gets us.
So, there's my report! Forward Ho!
Today it rained and rained. I wanted something warm. Warm bread and soup. Something familiar. So I again went a little off track. I made whole wheat parmesan rolls and Black Bean Soup. It was divine. The only off-thing with the soup was the beef broth I used. Otherwise it was right on par. The rolls- well, commercial yeast (still working on the sourdough thing- got a book tonight I've started reading through), and dipped in mayonnaise and butter. Topped with parmesan. They were divine. And bad/cheating. Then there were the cinammon rolls I made with the leftover dough. I used coconut sugar................ they were yummy. And yes, I felt guilty.
So I made good choices this week. And I made bad (like the fresh cut french fries for lunch). But I still feel like we're/I'm making good progress. It always has been two steps forward, one step back for me in this area. So. It's OK. I think. Hubbie is still eating salads everyday for lunch and the two girls are still drinking green smoothies with me. Even one of the boys (#1) is requesting green smoothies (although he's not drinking them!)! Breakfast and lunch aren't too bad but sometimes, depending on the night and what's going on, dinner gets us.
So, there's my report! Forward Ho!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Week Three
It's been a good week. The kefir is going well and I've been a major missionary for this lifestyle! (I just wish I could convert immediate family members. Sometimes I feel all alone in this.......). I've made waffles with kefir twice and nobody seemed to notice (but they're still dousing everything in syrup and sugar........I like mine with fresh strawberries and greek yogurt. YUMMO!) and I've also started making the green smoothies with kefir. Nobody really has noticed that either (although at this point Blue-Eyes, Sweet Pea, and I are the only ones that drink it).
I started a sourdough starter with whole wheat and kefir. I made my first sourdough bread yesterday. It was a busy weekend and time was not allowing for me to get the bread done when it was suppose to be done so it sat about 12 hours longer than needed. When they say it gets more sour the longer it sits they were not kidding! The taste was DIVINE if you like "sourdough!" It was super heavy though so I'm hoping to look at different recipes to see if we can find something with an ingredient that will make it a little fluffier. In my whole wheat bread recipe it's lemon juice that makes it fluffy (at least that's what someone told me- that the lemon juice reaction with the gluten does it). I wonder if lemon juice would ruin the rise of the bread in sourdough? I'll experiment and research and see what I find.
I discovered I do not like millet.........yuck. Hate the hard texture. The idea behind the breakfast recipe was great. Flavor was great. Millet.....not so much.
So when they say you can do this for a family of four for about $100 a week........I'm not sure how they do it. I haven't sat down and added everything up yet but in my head, knowing generally what I'm's not $100 a week. And the gas to go to different places..............Grrrr..........There are some things I just can't get at Walmart or Costco and I have to drive "into town" to Good Earth to get these things. It's frustrating to me that I have to go to three different places. Two I can handle (Costco seems to be a social outing with my mother and sister and I). I don't know how I'm going to do it after this week when school gets out and I have all five children at home! Aiutami!!!!
I'm also finding that although I buy all the ingredients we're not doing all the meals. Especially lunch. Dinner mostly, yes. Sometimes I see that something we had earlier is suppose to be served later in the week- something that didn't go over well with anyone but me-and so I do something else. I stay within a whole foods diet- so thats good I suppose. Or I just don't have time to make that veggie sandwich so I pull out the whole grain tortilla chips and hummus real quick. Sometimes I'll swap what I was suppose to have for lunch and breakfast. It's taking a bit of tweaking. Not everyone is sitting down at EACH of the meals. Kids are at school or scouts or lessons or YW or whatever..............My husband and I are going out for a weekly date.......ya know. Every day normal life. This week I wrote down all the menu items I didn't make (which I bought ingredients for) and plan on making them this week- so I'll be off a little by a few days from now on but I think it will help me with some flexibility issues.
This week I also cleaned out the pantry. Now..........I like to bake and make sweets. Not gonna lie here. I'm keeping all those things. I did throw away a ton though. And everything like that is now being moved down to the cold storage since I won't be making those things nearly AS OFTEN! My pantry seems empty but it is organized and ......emptier. I guess that's good. And full of many healthy options. Quality right?
I made my "baked good/treat" yesterday - as is suppose to be the tradition and compromise..............I had one and ugh. Felt awful the rest of the night. Good thing. My sugar cravings seem to be returning a little........I have had sugar. Just not as often as in the past. And they seem REALLY sweet now.
Although I said I wasn't worried about weight- it would be nice to lose some so I have been aware. I THOUGHT I had lost a little because people have said things and some of my pants are fitting differently but when I stepped on the scale this week it didn't move. Maybe I'm losing fat and gaining muscle? I don't know why I would because I haven't done much in weight resistance or strength training. I'm still running and hope to start back up on yoga again. I was going to do a before picture and post it but I have not reached the point I'm comfortable with that. I should take the picture and save it for future I suppose. So when I do have a difference I can feel comfortable posting before and after.
So there's a summary of this week. Hope I didn't forget anything. I guess if I did I will be back!
I started a sourdough starter with whole wheat and kefir. I made my first sourdough bread yesterday. It was a busy weekend and time was not allowing for me to get the bread done when it was suppose to be done so it sat about 12 hours longer than needed. When they say it gets more sour the longer it sits they were not kidding! The taste was DIVINE if you like "sourdough!" It was super heavy though so I'm hoping to look at different recipes to see if we can find something with an ingredient that will make it a little fluffier. In my whole wheat bread recipe it's lemon juice that makes it fluffy (at least that's what someone told me- that the lemon juice reaction with the gluten does it). I wonder if lemon juice would ruin the rise of the bread in sourdough? I'll experiment and research and see what I find.
I discovered I do not like millet.........yuck. Hate the hard texture. The idea behind the breakfast recipe was great. Flavor was great. Millet.....not so much.
So when they say you can do this for a family of four for about $100 a week........I'm not sure how they do it. I haven't sat down and added everything up yet but in my head, knowing generally what I'm's not $100 a week. And the gas to go to different places..............Grrrr..........There are some things I just can't get at Walmart or Costco and I have to drive "into town" to Good Earth to get these things. It's frustrating to me that I have to go to three different places. Two I can handle (Costco seems to be a social outing with my mother and sister and I). I don't know how I'm going to do it after this week when school gets out and I have all five children at home! Aiutami!!!!
I'm also finding that although I buy all the ingredients we're not doing all the meals. Especially lunch. Dinner mostly, yes. Sometimes I see that something we had earlier is suppose to be served later in the week- something that didn't go over well with anyone but me-and so I do something else. I stay within a whole foods diet- so thats good I suppose. Or I just don't have time to make that veggie sandwich so I pull out the whole grain tortilla chips and hummus real quick. Sometimes I'll swap what I was suppose to have for lunch and breakfast. It's taking a bit of tweaking. Not everyone is sitting down at EACH of the meals. Kids are at school or scouts or lessons or YW or whatever..............My husband and I are going out for a weekly date.......ya know. Every day normal life. This week I wrote down all the menu items I didn't make (which I bought ingredients for) and plan on making them this week- so I'll be off a little by a few days from now on but I think it will help me with some flexibility issues.
This week I also cleaned out the pantry. Now..........I like to bake and make sweets. Not gonna lie here. I'm keeping all those things. I did throw away a ton though. And everything like that is now being moved down to the cold storage since I won't be making those things nearly AS OFTEN! My pantry seems empty but it is organized and ......emptier. I guess that's good. And full of many healthy options. Quality right?
I made my "baked good/treat" yesterday - as is suppose to be the tradition and compromise..............I had one and ugh. Felt awful the rest of the night. Good thing. My sugar cravings seem to be returning a little........I have had sugar. Just not as often as in the past. And they seem REALLY sweet now.
Although I said I wasn't worried about weight- it would be nice to lose some so I have been aware. I THOUGHT I had lost a little because people have said things and some of my pants are fitting differently but when I stepped on the scale this week it didn't move. Maybe I'm losing fat and gaining muscle? I don't know why I would because I haven't done much in weight resistance or strength training. I'm still running and hope to start back up on yoga again. I was going to do a before picture and post it but I have not reached the point I'm comfortable with that. I should take the picture and save it for future I suppose. So when I do have a difference I can feel comfortable posting before and after.
So there's a summary of this week. Hope I didn't forget anything. I guess if I did I will be back!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Reality Bites
OK- let's be realistic here. I'm not going to post everyday. This last week has been CRAZY but NO. I have not fallen off the bandwagon. In fact, I am positively enjoying how I feel and sugar cravings are next to zero. The sugar I have had has made my tummy uneasy. This is AWESOME! Monumental! A break through! I always crave sugar. But, I am OK.
So there have had to be tweeks in the days I cook certain things and, honestly, last night and tonight I bought pizza for the family because I had to be somewhere during dinnertime and I knew that if I cooked something and left it for everyone that it would be untouched and put in the fridge. I stayed on track (although I did have 1/4 piece of pizza!) My hubbie is being VERY nice and swallowing everything down although he is NOT thrilled but he is happy that his lunches are healthy. There's a lot of criticism/poking fun with the kefir I bought and other things.......but I hope that eventually he'll at least gain some empathy if not a mutual partial vision. When I told the family we were having tacos the other night they were all so excited and Begaden, upon finding out it wasn't real meat, threw a huge tantrum- went running and screaming down the hall to his room. I kind of feel bad. The intention wasn't to trick them. But I DO want to provide healthy choices. I am trying to make sure that, along with the planned meals, there is also fruit sliced and ready to eat on the table at dinner that everyone will enjoy.
SO, I'm finding that the recipes are too big for my family and I'm having a hard time getting everything in the fridge- and then the leftovers. I've given a few things away to the neighbors. Eventually, I know that I will get it and buy the right amount of lettuce. etc.
I mentioned Kefir- I'm trying it and hope I can use all that it's making AND get my children healthier as a result. I made a kefir smoothie this morning with a peach and honestly, it didn't go over too well. Blue-eyes kind of liked it and Sweet Pea drank about half of what I gave her. I thought it was delicious although I would try it with a different fruit. I think frozen strawberries would be better. I would eventually like to learn how to make yogurt with it.
Today I did all kinds of research on sourbread starters. Turns out that my family LOVES sourdough! They love my homemade 100% whole wheat bread (took me a few years to find the right recipe) but go gah gah every time I buy sourdough. So I want to try that route and see where it takes us.
Groceries this week were about a 3rd more than last week. I'm still learning how to buy the right amount for the family, and for now, all the shopping lists are a little too much and I struggle with that. We'll get there.
I DID bake on Sunday but I tried using whole wheat flour and coconut sugar for the brownies- which turned out delicious. I found I couldn't eat as many as I normally do in a sitting................and I didn't crave more. I made cupcakes for my daughters bday at preschool (and a green smoothie for her snack- upon her request!!!!) and............cheated...............I guess you would call it that. Also had ice cream, (1/2 cup), for FHE this week. So I'm eating sugar- just not as much as before. Last Saturday I met a cousin and other family members at the park. I knew we would be eating pizza and so, to limit my consumption, I drank a green smoothie on the way there and brought a bag of carrots. I still ate 1/2 a piece. I felt OK about it. I also went on a date with my hubbie last night where we went to Outback. I initially ordered a salad but changed my mind to something I never get- salmon. It was delicious. At least it wasn't red meat I guess. I was trying to indulge a little but still remain in the healthy choice section. I really want to find a balance in moderation etc. Hubbie still thinks I'm fanatic.
All in all, I'm feeling quite positive about things. And am happy with the changes. Yay!!!!! I REALLY want to make this all a permanent LIFESTYLE change for me and, hopefully down the road, for my family as well.
So there have had to be tweeks in the days I cook certain things and, honestly, last night and tonight I bought pizza for the family because I had to be somewhere during dinnertime and I knew that if I cooked something and left it for everyone that it would be untouched and put in the fridge. I stayed on track (although I did have 1/4 piece of pizza!) My hubbie is being VERY nice and swallowing everything down although he is NOT thrilled but he is happy that his lunches are healthy. There's a lot of criticism/poking fun with the kefir I bought and other things.......but I hope that eventually he'll at least gain some empathy if not a mutual partial vision. When I told the family we were having tacos the other night they were all so excited and Begaden, upon finding out it wasn't real meat, threw a huge tantrum- went running and screaming down the hall to his room. I kind of feel bad. The intention wasn't to trick them. But I DO want to provide healthy choices. I am trying to make sure that, along with the planned meals, there is also fruit sliced and ready to eat on the table at dinner that everyone will enjoy.
SO, I'm finding that the recipes are too big for my family and I'm having a hard time getting everything in the fridge- and then the leftovers. I've given a few things away to the neighbors. Eventually, I know that I will get it and buy the right amount of lettuce. etc.
I mentioned Kefir- I'm trying it and hope I can use all that it's making AND get my children healthier as a result. I made a kefir smoothie this morning with a peach and honestly, it didn't go over too well. Blue-eyes kind of liked it and Sweet Pea drank about half of what I gave her. I thought it was delicious although I would try it with a different fruit. I think frozen strawberries would be better. I would eventually like to learn how to make yogurt with it.
Today I did all kinds of research on sourbread starters. Turns out that my family LOVES sourdough! They love my homemade 100% whole wheat bread (took me a few years to find the right recipe) but go gah gah every time I buy sourdough. So I want to try that route and see where it takes us.
Groceries this week were about a 3rd more than last week. I'm still learning how to buy the right amount for the family, and for now, all the shopping lists are a little too much and I struggle with that. We'll get there.
I DID bake on Sunday but I tried using whole wheat flour and coconut sugar for the brownies- which turned out delicious. I found I couldn't eat as many as I normally do in a sitting................and I didn't crave more. I made cupcakes for my daughters bday at preschool (and a green smoothie for her snack- upon her request!!!!) and............cheated...............I guess you would call it that. Also had ice cream, (1/2 cup), for FHE this week. So I'm eating sugar- just not as much as before. Last Saturday I met a cousin and other family members at the park. I knew we would be eating pizza and so, to limit my consumption, I drank a green smoothie on the way there and brought a bag of carrots. I still ate 1/2 a piece. I felt OK about it. I also went on a date with my hubbie last night where we went to Outback. I initially ordered a salad but changed my mind to something I never get- salmon. It was delicious. At least it wasn't red meat I guess. I was trying to indulge a little but still remain in the healthy choice section. I really want to find a balance in moderation etc. Hubbie still thinks I'm fanatic.
All in all, I'm feeling quite positive about things. And am happy with the changes. Yay!!!!! I REALLY want to make this all a permanent LIFESTYLE change for me and, hopefully down the road, for my family as well.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Week One Day 4
Good Day! Had green smoothie's for breakfast and a half of a whole grain bagel with almond butter (boy! I really love that almond butter!)
The children are trying. Wobie, (8) has consistently been asking for a green smoothie which excites me to the core! Blue-Eyes has always liked green smoothies so she either asks for me to make it, or, when sees it's already made requests a cup of her own. Sweet Pea shared mine and couldn't get enough. (It's always better when it's someone else's right?) Wobie didn't eat any of the normal cereal (BIG yay!). Begaden- needs more time. Beast- (3)- she doesn't eat anything so.......
One thing about Wobie- he has a condition called encopresis. It's awful. His sphincter muscles are either non-functional (which I don't think is the case) are stretched out. He has "accidents" if I'm not consistently giving him his "medicine" which is just a heavier dose of laxatives. I told him that if he drank a green smoothie everyday that it would be possible that he could go off the "medicine" and not have any problems. I think that is why he has been making an effort. It's a great motivation.
For lunch- I went to visit my sister. I knew I might need to take something so I took some chili from yesterday and some of the pasta and pesto from Monday night. I ate the pasta and pesto. Not very much- I was surprised at how fast I got full. But I was sooo glad I had taken the food. Takes the guessing and agonizing out of it.
I also watched Vegucated (not so thrilled about that one- thought it was pretty biased towards something other than health) and HUngry for Change (?) which, I thought, was excellent.(Ironically, I watched a little of each while I was cooking dinner) Keeps me definitely motivated. And my sister watched it with me so maybe we can convert a little!
Tonight for dinner we had the Chard Wraps. They were good. My kids wouldn't touch them but tried the filling in a tortilla. I can't say I LOVE them like I did the chili. The chard is going to take a little adjustment of palate. But I did like them. The filling was delicious so I plan on using the leftover fillings for tortilla wraps. Unfortunately my husband is out of town and the exchange student didn't have time to wait for them so there was a lot left over. One filled me up. I didn't have room in the fridge for them so I gave them to a neighbor who currently is caring for her mother with lung cancer. Her mother was THRILLED. So I was happy to give them away to a willing family with room in the fridge!
Had a piece of dark chocolate after dinner. Ya know, that need for something sweet. But I'm proud to say it was just one. Also had an Aussie Pop today. Those are good! And hopefully not too unhealthy...........
The children are trying. Wobie, (8) has consistently been asking for a green smoothie which excites me to the core! Blue-Eyes has always liked green smoothies so she either asks for me to make it, or, when sees it's already made requests a cup of her own. Sweet Pea shared mine and couldn't get enough. (It's always better when it's someone else's right?) Wobie didn't eat any of the normal cereal (BIG yay!). Begaden- needs more time. Beast- (3)- she doesn't eat anything so.......
One thing about Wobie- he has a condition called encopresis. It's awful. His sphincter muscles are either non-functional (which I don't think is the case) are stretched out. He has "accidents" if I'm not consistently giving him his "medicine" which is just a heavier dose of laxatives. I told him that if he drank a green smoothie everyday that it would be possible that he could go off the "medicine" and not have any problems. I think that is why he has been making an effort. It's a great motivation.
For lunch- I went to visit my sister. I knew I might need to take something so I took some chili from yesterday and some of the pasta and pesto from Monday night. I ate the pasta and pesto. Not very much- I was surprised at how fast I got full. But I was sooo glad I had taken the food. Takes the guessing and agonizing out of it.
I also watched Vegucated (not so thrilled about that one- thought it was pretty biased towards something other than health) and HUngry for Change (?) which, I thought, was excellent.(Ironically, I watched a little of each while I was cooking dinner) Keeps me definitely motivated. And my sister watched it with me so maybe we can convert a little!
Tonight for dinner we had the Chard Wraps. They were good. My kids wouldn't touch them but tried the filling in a tortilla. I can't say I LOVE them like I did the chili. The chard is going to take a little adjustment of palate. But I did like them. The filling was delicious so I plan on using the leftover fillings for tortilla wraps. Unfortunately my husband is out of town and the exchange student didn't have time to wait for them so there was a lot left over. One filled me up. I didn't have room in the fridge for them so I gave them to a neighbor who currently is caring for her mother with lung cancer. Her mother was THRILLED. So I was happy to give them away to a willing family with room in the fridge!
Had a piece of dark chocolate after dinner. Ya know, that need for something sweet. But I'm proud to say it was just one. Also had an Aussie Pop today. Those are good! And hopefully not too unhealthy...........
Week One Day Three
So yesterday was actually day three, however, I wanted to go to bed at 10:30 when I had the time to type so here I am.
It was a good day. I didn't have time to really eat at breakfast but I had cut up watermelon for the boys' lunch (with two slices of sourdough.....feels like a success to me!) and snacked on that here and there until lunch.
For lunch I had 3/4 C Robyn's Granola with about 1.5 tablespoons of semi-sweet chocolate chips (naughty me!) and almond milk. All I can say is YUM! I wouldn't necessarily say I like the almond milk alone but in the granola (with the chocolate of course!) it was so. stinkin'. good!
For dinner I made the basic salad and homemade ranch dressing with the vegetarian chili and a slice of multi-grain bread with almond butter. Oh MY!! SO! Good! I couldn't stop eating the chili! Only one of my children tried it- he liked it but preferred the bread instead. (I've really got to figure out the homemade whole wheat sourdough bread! My children LOVE sourdough) And the dressing! WOW!!!
Afterwards I really wanted something sweet. I'm taking babysteps here OK? HAD to have something............and succumbed to one serving (15 pieces) of dark chocolate covered coconut almonds. And guess what? I felt SICK TO MY STOMACH after eating it. In all honesty, all the whole grain, greens, salads, etc., are not a problem or me. I've been eating it really for a while now but sugar is my addiction and my enemy. I really, really struggle with my desires to have sugar and I'm hoping that by adapting 100% to the 80% raw lifestyle thing that my cravings for it will eventually go away. (or I"ll just stop eating it because I feel so crappy when I do- that hasn't really happened yet). On the upside- I did not bake today. AS much as I wanted! IT was COLD today- and I relate that to warm baked goods (primarily cookies). I wanted to bake. But I resisted and stayed busy.
So all in all, the day was truly a success! Yay! The food was delicious and I look forward to trying more of the recipes. I'm not neccessarily doing the 8-week program page per page by the book (the chili was the previous night's dinner) but I am subbing some things with others. WooHoo!
It was a good day. I didn't have time to really eat at breakfast but I had cut up watermelon for the boys' lunch (with two slices of sourdough.....feels like a success to me!) and snacked on that here and there until lunch.
For lunch I had 3/4 C Robyn's Granola with about 1.5 tablespoons of semi-sweet chocolate chips (naughty me!) and almond milk. All I can say is YUM! I wouldn't necessarily say I like the almond milk alone but in the granola (with the chocolate of course!) it was so. stinkin'. good!
For dinner I made the basic salad and homemade ranch dressing with the vegetarian chili and a slice of multi-grain bread with almond butter. Oh MY!! SO! Good! I couldn't stop eating the chili! Only one of my children tried it- he liked it but preferred the bread instead. (I've really got to figure out the homemade whole wheat sourdough bread! My children LOVE sourdough) And the dressing! WOW!!!
Afterwards I really wanted something sweet. I'm taking babysteps here OK? HAD to have something............and succumbed to one serving (15 pieces) of dark chocolate covered coconut almonds. And guess what? I felt SICK TO MY STOMACH after eating it. In all honesty, all the whole grain, greens, salads, etc., are not a problem or me. I've been eating it really for a while now but sugar is my addiction and my enemy. I really, really struggle with my desires to have sugar and I'm hoping that by adapting 100% to the 80% raw lifestyle thing that my cravings for it will eventually go away. (or I"ll just stop eating it because I feel so crappy when I do- that hasn't really happened yet). On the upside- I did not bake today. AS much as I wanted! IT was COLD today- and I relate that to warm baked goods (primarily cookies). I wanted to bake. But I resisted and stayed busy.
So all in all, the day was truly a success! Yay! The food was delicious and I look forward to trying more of the recipes. I'm not neccessarily doing the 8-week program page per page by the book (the chili was the previous night's dinner) but I am subbing some things with others. WooHoo!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Week One Day 2-Learning and Getting into Habit
I can't say this has been a stellar day. Bummer.
This morning we were suppose to have granola. I made it this morning but it wasn't finished so we had green smoothies. Unfortunately, my boys did not finish much of theirs (but I drank it) and sweet pea was NOT interested. Bummer. However, they did NOT have cereal which is monumental.........
I ran 3 miles this morning. I have never been athletic. I'm a musician. When I was a teenager and even into my college years, I didn't have an ounce of agility or coordination. I once had a date that played tennis with me, despite my protests and insistence of how terrible I was, only five minutes before giving up the game. I didn't not relish physical activity. I would like to say I have "matured" and gained some motivation. I always wanted to be a runner but, until about 10 years ago, never had the motivation or confidence to try. And since than it has been touch and go due to pregnancies and deliveries. But I have been running consecutively, minus the sprained ankle in July (which set me waaaayyyy back!), for almost a year. Woot Woot!
Anyway, I had reached 2.5 miles the last time I ran and REALLY wanted to push myself to three this time. I think it was a mistake. I have been really tired, cranky and dragging my feet all day. I hope/doubt it's not the food I'm eating. I did have a lousy breakfast. There wasn't enough smoothie for me to have a full cup! The granola came out later in the morning and I would take a little here and there lunch, after snacking on granola I was still hungry. I ate two plain artichokes (yummers!!!!) and felt a little better. I've been moody today too. I think I really pushed myself too hard. And I haven't had enough water.
For dinner: it was a nephews bday and we all went over to his house for dinner. ummmm.....ya. Beef Stroganoff. The cheating, yummy, AWFUL way. There were carrots and I tried to fill half my plate with carrots. And, of course, cake- ice cream cake. I wished that I had put the chili I was SUPPOSE to make for dinner in the crock pot and either eaten it before going to my sisters or taken it with me. I thought about it during the day but never got around to it. (I also teach music lessons all day on Tuesday so I found myself..........well, there's a learning curve here). So I know for next time. Plan ahead. Make something. TAKE something. The children, of course, were ecstatic about the stroganoff. It is one of their favorites. Blah.
I went shopping for a few things. Can't find seeds to sprout. or Flaxseed Oil. I have many questions. But I forget them. I just need to write them down. I'll get better at all this little by little right?
This morning we were suppose to have granola. I made it this morning but it wasn't finished so we had green smoothies. Unfortunately, my boys did not finish much of theirs (but I drank it) and sweet pea was NOT interested. Bummer. However, they did NOT have cereal which is monumental.........
I ran 3 miles this morning. I have never been athletic. I'm a musician. When I was a teenager and even into my college years, I didn't have an ounce of agility or coordination. I once had a date that played tennis with me, despite my protests and insistence of how terrible I was, only five minutes before giving up the game. I didn't not relish physical activity. I would like to say I have "matured" and gained some motivation. I always wanted to be a runner but, until about 10 years ago, never had the motivation or confidence to try. And since than it has been touch and go due to pregnancies and deliveries. But I have been running consecutively, minus the sprained ankle in July (which set me waaaayyyy back!), for almost a year. Woot Woot!
Anyway, I had reached 2.5 miles the last time I ran and REALLY wanted to push myself to three this time. I think it was a mistake. I have been really tired, cranky and dragging my feet all day. I hope/doubt it's not the food I'm eating. I did have a lousy breakfast. There wasn't enough smoothie for me to have a full cup! The granola came out later in the morning and I would take a little here and there lunch, after snacking on granola I was still hungry. I ate two plain artichokes (yummers!!!!) and felt a little better. I've been moody today too. I think I really pushed myself too hard. And I haven't had enough water.
For dinner: it was a nephews bday and we all went over to his house for dinner. ummmm.....ya. Beef Stroganoff. The cheating, yummy, AWFUL way. There were carrots and I tried to fill half my plate with carrots. And, of course, cake- ice cream cake. I wished that I had put the chili I was SUPPOSE to make for dinner in the crock pot and either eaten it before going to my sisters or taken it with me. I thought about it during the day but never got around to it. (I also teach music lessons all day on Tuesday so I found myself..........well, there's a learning curve here). So I know for next time. Plan ahead. Make something. TAKE something. The children, of course, were ecstatic about the stroganoff. It is one of their favorites. Blah.
I went shopping for a few things. Can't find seeds to sprout. or Flaxseed Oil. I have many questions. But I forget them. I just need to write them down. I'll get better at all this little by little right?
Monday, April 29, 2013
First day! Day one, Week One
I have to admit. I wasn't quite ready to start today. I have plenty of greens and all kinds of food but hadn't used the shopping list in the book for those things that are planned for the week. However, I was able to start because I have everything I needed for today and I went shopping this afternoon.
So this afternoon: I spent $178 at Costco, and $78 at Winco. Now about $50-75 was extras that weren't for the weekly planner: asparagus, sourdough bread, Aussie Bites, watermelon, grapefruit, dired blueberries....good stuff. I wouldn't say I bought any junk but I did deter a little.
This morning I explained to the children what I was going to do (and had spoken to my husband previously). I challenged them to try it with me. They mostly agreed (except my 7-year-old "Begaden"- who is a picky, picky eater). I asked them this morning what they wanted in their green smoothie and made it according to their desires (using equal parts greens and fruit). They all liked it but Begaden. In fact, I was sooooo pleased (and surprised) that my 14 month old (Sweet Pea) would not stop requesting more. Begaden and Wobie both requested egg pizzas in addition (which they didn't eat......). Blue-Eyes (age 5) did not request her regular two cups of chocolate milk, and didn't touch the cereal she asked for. She also wanted more- but alas, it was all gone!!!!!! Success!!!! I also challenged Begaden to have 3 sips and I would pay him a dollar. He accepted. And asked if I would do it again.............
Lunch did not happen. I unexpectedly had to take Sweet Pea in for an ultra-sound (long story) and found myself quite unprepared to feed myself and the girls the way I wanted. Yup. Enter fastfood. Ugh. I tried to eat some "all-natural" sweet potato tortilla chips but.............I stumbled.
Dinner was delicious (I thought). We halved both dishes. All but two people ate it and I look forward to making it again.
The fridge is FULL- I have crammed everything in there possible and frozen what I can. I am really looking forward to making these lifestyle changes for me and my family.
So this afternoon: I spent $178 at Costco, and $78 at Winco. Now about $50-75 was extras that weren't for the weekly planner: asparagus, sourdough bread, Aussie Bites, watermelon, grapefruit, dired blueberries....good stuff. I wouldn't say I bought any junk but I did deter a little.
This morning I explained to the children what I was going to do (and had spoken to my husband previously). I challenged them to try it with me. They mostly agreed (except my 7-year-old "Begaden"- who is a picky, picky eater). I asked them this morning what they wanted in their green smoothie and made it according to their desires (using equal parts greens and fruit). They all liked it but Begaden. In fact, I was sooooo pleased (and surprised) that my 14 month old (Sweet Pea) would not stop requesting more. Begaden and Wobie both requested egg pizzas in addition (which they didn't eat......). Blue-Eyes (age 5) did not request her regular two cups of chocolate milk, and didn't touch the cereal she asked for. She also wanted more- but alas, it was all gone!!!!!! Success!!!! I also challenged Begaden to have 3 sips and I would pay him a dollar. He accepted. And asked if I would do it again.............
Lunch did not happen. I unexpectedly had to take Sweet Pea in for an ultra-sound (long story) and found myself quite unprepared to feed myself and the girls the way I wanted. Yup. Enter fastfood. Ugh. I tried to eat some "all-natural" sweet potato tortilla chips but.............I stumbled.
Dinner was delicious (I thought). We halved both dishes. All but two people ate it and I look forward to making it again.
The fridge is FULL- I have crammed everything in there possible and frozen what I can. I am really looking forward to making these lifestyle changes for me and my family.
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