So, I'm not going to say I have fallen off the band wagon but maybe not the blogging thing so much.
Still trying to eat whole food diet. Since my husband is not on the same page yet, my family is not really there either. Although, they are becoming more and more aware of what is a better choice.
I still struggle with the sugar thing but all in all I eat whole foods. I'm not crazy fanatic. I find the best choice at neighborhood parties (or bring something I would prefer to eat), going out to eat, being with family, etc. I still have green smoothies although sometimes life gets so crazy I don't get a chance to make one and then I end up not eating breakfast (or lunch for that matter) at all. That's bad. I know.
I gave up the planner and decided to try and make do with the foods already in my collection of recipes. I've altered a few things. But I think it actually has saved me a little money. I go through the book once in a while hoping to try one of the new recipes (EVERYTHING was so new the family really struggled).
I haven't run in almost four weeks. It's depressing. I need a motivated and motivating partner............ugh. However, I AM active during the day running after children and, now, canning and bottling.
I wanted to find a balance and moderation. I think I am close. I'm probably a little too far on the SAD (standard american diet) end but only barely and will still search for ways to tip it the other direction. Eventually, as I introduce new things I think it will happen.